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Sun 22 - Fri 27 October 2017 Vancouver, Canada

Link to the submission web site: https://fosd17.hotcrp.com/

Feature-oriented software development (FOSD) is a paradigm for the construction and customization of software systems. The key idea of FOSD is to decompose a family of software systems into units of functionality called features, with the goal of reusing software artifacts among family members.

Features capture the similarities and differences among systems in the family, and a particular software system can be produced by selecting or composing its corresponding features. A feature is a unit of functionality that satisfies a requirement, represents a design decision, or provides a configuration option.

A challenge in FOSD is that a feature may not map cleanly to an isolated module of code. Rather, its implementation may crosscut many components and artifacts of the software system. Furthermore, the decomposition of a software system into its features gives rise to a combinatorial explosion of possible feature combinations and interactions.

Workshop Goal

The goal of FOSD’17 is to foster and strengthen the collaboration between researchers and practitioners who work in the field of FOSD or in the related fields of software product lines, service-oriented architecture, model-driven engineering, and feature interactions. The focus of FOSD’17 will be on discussions, rather than on presenting technical content only.

Workshop Format

The workshop is scheduled for one full day and is an interactive event. After a keynote (to be announced), the day is divided into multiple sessions with three kinds of talks.

Research talks: For presenting and discussing accepted research papers. To stimulate discussion, a “discussant” will be assigned to each paper. The discussant will read the paper in advance and prepare a set of (potentially controversial) questions for the speaker and the audience to address. Speakers may choose to reserve all discussion for the end of their presentation or to allow questions during the talk. If questions are allowed during the talk, discussion will be timed with a chess clock to ensure that speakers get the full time allocated to the presention.

Tech talks: For presenting practice-oriented work related to FOSD. Tech talks are based on the publication of an extended abstract in the proceedings. Tech talks present or demonstrate the application of technology (methods, tools, analyses, etc.) to realize feature-oriented development.

Lighting talks: Lighting talks are short talks for presenting new ideas and results, for posing new challenges or topics for discussion, or simply for sharing a cool project. They are also a good opportunity to share results published elsewhere to the FOSD audience. Lightning talks do not require a formal submission and can be arranged by emailing the PC chairs with a brief abstract of the proposed talk.

Workshop dinner

When: 6:00pm

Where: Al Porto Ristorante, 321 Water St. (directions via Google Maps)

Steering Committee

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Sun 22 Oct

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10:30 - 12:00
FOSD KeynoteFOSD at Windsor
Day opening
Welcome to FOSD 2017

FOSD Keynote: Managing Features in Cloned Variants
K: Julia Rubin University of British Columbia
13:30 - 15:00
Talks / DiscussionFOSD at Windsor
Towards Complete Consistency Checks of Clafer Models
Markus Weckesser TU Darmstadt, Malte Lochau , Michael Ries facilityBoss GmbH, Andy Schürr TU Darmstadt
Automated Recommendations for Reducing Unnecessary Variability of Technology Architectures
Kenny Wehling Volkswagen AG, David Wille TU Braunschweig, Germany, Christoph Seidl Technische Universität Braunschweig, Ina Schaefer Technische Universität Braunschweig
Variational Lists: Comparisons and Design Guidelines
Karl Smeltzer Oregon State University, Martin Erwig Oregon State University
15:30 - 17:00
Talks / DiscussionFOSD at Windsor
Feature Oriented Programming in Groovy
Guilherme Assis UFMG, Eduardo Figueiredo UFMG, Gustavo Vale University of Passau
Towards a Development Process for Maturing Delta-Oriented Software Product Lines
Sven Schuster TU Braunschweig, Germany, Christoph Seidl Technische Universität Braunschweig, Ina Schaefer Technische Universität Braunschweig
Lightning Talks
Eric Walkingshaw Oregon State University

Call for Papers

Link to the submission web site: https://fosd17.hotcrp.com/

We invite two kinds submissions:

Research papers: We invite submissions of 4 to 10 pages long in the ACM SIGPLAN Conference format. Please carefully read the “Instructions for Authors” tab for more information about format and policies. Research paper submissions will be reviewed by at least three members of the program committee.

Tech talks: We invite submissions of a 1-page extended abstract, also in ACM SIGPLAN Conference format.

We are looking for contributions in the following topics:

  • Programming language and tool support for FOSD
  • Formal methods and theory for FOSD
  • Variability-aware analysis
  • Feature interaction, modeling, composition, and refactoring
  • Versioning, evolution, and maintenance
  • Generative programming and automatic programming
  • Components, services, and models
  • Build systems and feature-to-code mappings
  • Program comprehension
  • Empirical studies of all these topics

Accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library. Previous editions of FOSD have been indexed by DBLP.

For fairness reasons, all submitted papers should conform to the formatting instructions. Submissions that violate these instructions may be rejected without review.

Submission Site

Please take a moment to read the instructions below before using the submission site (https://fosd17.hotcrp.com/)

Concurrent Submissions

Papers must describe unpublished work that is not currently submitted for publication elsewhere as described by SIGPLAN’s Republication Policy. Submitters should also be aware of ACM’s Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism.


Submissions should use the ACM SIGPLAN Conference acmart Format with ‘sigplan’ Subformat, 10 point font, using the font family Times New Roman. All submissions should be in PDF format. If you use LaTeX or Word, please use the provided ACM SIGPLAN acmart Templates provided here. Otherwise, follow the author instructions.

If you are formatting your paper using LaTeX, you will need to set the 10pt option in the \documentclass command. If you are formatting your paper using Word, you may wish to use the provided Word template that supports this font size. Please include page numbers in your submission with the LaTeX \settopmatter{printfolios=true} command. Please also ensure that your submission is legible when printed on a black and white printer. In particular, please check that colors remain distinct and font sizes are legible.

Publication (Digital Library Early Access Warning)

AUTHORS TAKE NOTE: The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of the conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.